The collection and recycling system in Austria

In Austria, manufacturers and distributors of packaging, i.e. those who place packaging on the market, are responsible for the disposal of their packaging waste.

According to the Packaging Ordinance, you are obliged to participate in a collection and recovery system for packaging; only in exceptional cases (commercial packaging) can you carry out the collection and recovery yourself. Collection and recovery systems are private sector companies that organize the collection, sorting and recovery of packaging. Manufacturers and distributors pay a license fee for the collection, sorting and recovery of their packaging to the contracted collection and recovery system. The fee is based on the weight, type of material and quantity of packaging placed on the market.

About this license tariff ...

… the collection of packaging made of plastic, composite materials, tinplate, aluminum, glass, paper and cardboard is financed and organized, with the end consumer bearing a proportion of the costs when purchasing a product.


So that the used packaging can be recycled, ...

… it should be disposed of by the consumer in the collection channels provided, i.e. the correct collection system, such as the yellow garbage can, waste paper garbage can, glass container, etc. In Austria, a distinction is made between the following collection channels: lightweight packaging, metal packaging, glass packaging and paper and cardboard packaging.


The collected packaging will be ...

… separated into fractions in sorting plants and recycled materially or thermally in a further process in recycling plants. The recycled packaging either becomes packaging again or is used in industry. In thermal recycling, packaging that cannot be recycled replaces other fuels.

Household Collection

Collection regions in Austria according to fractions (see fold-out area on the right for legend).
If metal packaging is not included in the collection for lightweight packaging, there is a separate collection for all types of metal packaging as defined.

Collection of light and metal packaging as tender leader

In coordination with the local authorities, the Reclay Group organises the collection of lightweight and metal packaging as the tender leader in the districts of

  • Eisenstadt Umgebung
  • Gänserndorf
  • Mödling
  • Neunkirchen
  • Schärding
  • Urfahr Umgebung
  • Leibnitz
  • Liezen
  • Schladming
  • Innsbruck

The yellow sack or rubbish cans in the “doorstep collection” system are mainly used, and in some regions containers are available for collection in public areas (“collection islands”) in the bring system.

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    Separation Guides

    Reclay - Separation Guide - Lightweight Packaging
    Reclay - Separation Guide - Packaging Made of Metal
    Reclay - Separation Guide - Lightweight and Metal Packaging