Transport packaging

Transport packaging ensures that your products get safely from A to B. The packaging remains in retail or in the processing industry and is not intended to be passed on to consumers. We take care of the disposal needs of your customers and organize the collection of your packaging from the places where it is generated and supply it back to a closed recycling cycle. We also contact the places where waste is generated and thus guarantee an individual, efficient disposal concept.

We check your obligations and are there for your customers as a contact person and service provider. The Packaging Act has significantly expanded the obligations for those placing transport packaging on the market. We support you in the legally compliant implementation of recycling solutions and will continue to inform you about changes in the law in the future.



Our services

  • Nationwide coverage.
  • Personal correspondence with your collection points / customers.
  • Solutions for entire industries.
  • Support with the registration, information, documentation and verification requirements according to current legal provisions.
  • Attestation of the relevant quantities and processes by an auditor.


Are you interested and need more information?

Contact us for questions about transport packaging

We look forward to reading from you. Just write us your request:

    You are welcome to contact us by phone at

    +49 (0)221-580098-2888

    or via our contact form! Please note that the input fields marked with * are mandatory.

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    Please note our Privacy Policy.

    You can reach us by phone at +49 221 580098-2888.

    Information for collection points

    Do you generate transport packaging? We will dispose of your transport packaging free of charge if your suppliers are contractual partners of Reclay Systems GmbH. To order this service, please fill out our questionnaire. We then take care of everything necessary to ensure sustainable, legally compliant and cost-efficient disposal.


    You are a collection point and have questions? Contact us!

    We look forward to reading from you. Just write us your request!

      Input fields marked with * are mandatory.

      Please note our Privacy Policy.