About Reclay Germany

In Germany, we implement legal requirements for the packaging sector as a whole. We are the system operator there and fulfill our participation obligations in a responsible and comprehensive manner. We are a key partner for our customers for the implementation of EPR specifications or self-imposed environmental goals. Through our high performance EPR systems, we are  ready to organize the “closed loop” in all areas on a customer-specific basis.


In search for the best solutions, we also support our customers abroad. We offer our international know-how and our networks for consulting services or design, implement and operate system solutions wherever  desired.

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Im Zollhafen 2 – 4, 50678 Köln

Tel.: +49(0) 221 580098-0

Fax: +49(0) 221 580098-777

E-Mail: office.de(at)reclay-group.com


Die direkte Anfahrt zum Reclay House mit dem Auto ist nur über die Tiefgarage möglich. Nutzen Sie für Ihr Navigationssystem die folgende Eingabe:

Am Bayenturm, 50678 Köln


Austraße 34, 35745 Herborn

Tel: +49(0) 2772 5759-0

Fax: +49(0) 2772 5759-20

E-Mail: office.de(at)reclay-group.com

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