Corporate philosophy

The Reclay Group is an international service provider in the field of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and voluntary solutions for closing material loops . Our aim is to create added value through our daily actions: for the environment, for our customers, for our employees and thus for our group of companies.


Our customers

The needs and wishes of our customers are the focus of our actions. Our customers are responsible for product responsibility and come from industry and trade. We think first and foremost about our customers. Every service and every product must be viewed through the lens of  customer benefit. We are not a waste disposal company, we do not need to think about the utilization of our facilities.


Our actions

The aim of our actions is to find the best solution for our customers under the existing conditions  – be it in the fulfillment of external requirements or in the pursuit of our own objectives. The customer determines the scope of our claims. We are ready to develop and implement holistic approaches with clients, but we are also available for tailored individual services.

We fulfill our tasks with passion and always cooperate with our customers, our partners and each otherto find the best possible solution.

Here you can download the complete corporate mission statement of the Reclay Group:

Reclay Group Corporate philosophy

Mission Statement of the Reclay Group

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