Awards and Certificates
We don’t just let words speak, we also let deeds follow!
That is why we have written a sustainability declaration and subject our entire group of companies to regular quality checks in the area of “environmental and waste disposal”.

Sustainability declaration – German Sustainability Code
For the reporting year 2021 (Reclay Systems GmbH).
Sustainability is not just a term for us, it is lived practice. To make this more transparent, we have again decided in 2021 to prepare a sustainability declaration based on the 20 criteria of the German Sustainability Code.
Quality Management (ISO)
To fully meet the requirements of our customers in the best possible way, we have established a high quality standard for all processes in our group of companies.
With the help of our quality management system, we define the requirements for the management system of the group of companies. The expectations of our customers are always the focus of all company processes.
The quality management system is regularly checked independently and is certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015. The certificate can be viewed online and is valid for “consulting and implementation of services in the areas of environmental and waste management, especially with regard to the obligation to take back and recycle sales packaging”.
Our employees are specialists in their areas and are supported by internal and external training courses. The internal transfer of knowledge and the motivation of our employees are a success factor in our company’s history.
Opportunities and risks resulting from the individual processes and from changes in the market are considered, documented and measures are taken.
The Reclay Group attaches great importance to compliance with the legal framework and industry-specific or internal guidelines. The processes ensure this compliance. A compliance team deals with the current requirements in regular meetings.
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